
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Death Note

Death Note is a spectacularly interesting murder mystery, cat and mouse series.  Complete with it's own death god, Death Note has all the fixings for a perfect murderer, or does it?

The color pallet suits this story perfectly and the design is sometimes whacked but that just adds to the fun.    The story revolves around the two central characters playing cat and mouse.  The first one to give up their cards is the first one to die.

I give Death Note a 5 out of 5.  Happy watching!

Princess Lover

Princess Lover is a cute, classic fairy tale type story with a few nice messages for it's viewers.  It was originally created as an 'adult game' but has been successfully translated into other media such as this anime.

The art is rosy, cheerful and animated well.  The color palate is bright and cheerful throughout the anime.  The plot is easy to follow, even predict, but the cheerful messages and silly character interactions make it fun to watch.

The characters don't develop much, but they each do a little bit.  It is a short little anime though, so considering the storyline, I think the authors did pretty good getting this in as much as they did.

I give Princess Lover a 3 out of 5.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Paradise Kiss

Paradise Kiss is an artistic story about all the fond relationships and memories we forge during our high school/ college years.

The artistic style is fun with lot's of costumes and creative hairstyles but it manages to keep everything down to earth with a slightly subdued colour palette. 

Each main character develops throughout the course of the story while maintaining their own very unique identities. 

The plot line is pretty simple but it tends to be more realistic than many western stories.

Overall Paradise Kiss is a great little anime to watch, but I wouldn't recommend it for pre-teens or younger. I give Paradise Kiss a 4 out of 5.  

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Tekkonkinkreet is an amazingly rich anime in both art and story.  It's densely packed symbolism and story line can be a bit to untangle at first but the artistic style and plot line make this anime one movie worth watching twice.

Everything from the perspective, the colors, the layout to the design is so unique and well done.  The animation style even matches the look of Treasure Town which was really amazing for me to see.

The character development and plot line are absolutely amazing to watch as well.  It's as though the Tekkonkinkreet story itself has one foot in reality and the other in it's own fantasy world. A lot like one of the main characters 'Shiro.'

In my opinion, Tekkonkinkreet is in a class all its own.  Not only does it capitalize on all story aspects, it knocks them all out of the park.  Tekkonkinkreet is an easy win with 5 out of 5.


Colorful is a an anime thats representational of a real life story in modern Japan.  In the protagonist's struggle to find meaning and joy in life both he and his family find reconciliation.   

The artwork in Colorful is beautiful; it is one of the best combinations of painterly styled environments and animation that I have seen to date.  The story is more realistic in nature and the character designs also reflect this.  

Even though this is a realistic story, the author made a few fun twists such as adding the 'not quite an angel' and spirit queue.  The character development and conflicts were all very plausible and occur at a pace that suits the mood of the story.

Overall, I give this well made anime a very colorful score of 5 out of 5.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts is a fun spin and slightly messed up version of Alice in Wonderland.  I thought that the Character designs and environments were pretty well done.  I especially like the Mad Hatter and Cheshire cat designs.

The story is pretty complex but it's well presented so you never feel like you're drifting way off somewhere.  However, as the manga is still ongoing, the anime is not yet complete either.  Unfortunately, I could not find any news about another season.  I would actually like to see how the story ends, so my fingers are crossed for a new season.  In the mean time, I give Pandora Hearts a 3 out of 5.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Golden Time

Golden Time is a fun little drama about a first year college student, Tada Banri, and his friends.  As an Anime, it's nice to see that the characters are a bit older in this one instead of the common high school scenario.  It appears to be a simple story of friends during college life, which can also be refreshing after watching lot's of out of the world plot lines.  The story feels a little like a happier version of 'Maison Ikoku' to me.

The art and animation is clean and suits the mood of the story quite nicely.  As this is a new release it's too soon to give an accurate rating but everything feels on track so far.  I give Golden Time a 3.5 out of 5.

For more details about Golden Time, click here.

Peeping Life: World History

Peeping Life: World History is another instalment of the Peeping Life series.  Peeping Life is a unique new style for Japanese Anime;  instead of telling more traditional anime stories with large numbers of characters, plots and locations, Peeping Life is very simple.  This anime features only one camera angle and a short narrative that evolves out of characters conversation, allowing the viewer to feel as though they are 'peeping' on a couple.

I enjoyed this series of peeping life and there simple but clever punch lines at the end of the conversations.  The art in this series is equally simple matching the storytelling style.

I give Peeping Life: World History a 4.5 out of 5 for it's innovation and conceptual attention to detail.


NouCome has to be one of the strangest stories I've ever come across.  It's about a young man Kanade Amakusa who has been cursed with having to choose between two very random and very strange multiple choice questions.  After living with this curse for about a year he receives a phone call from God who gives him instructions on how to lift the curse.  However, the 'missions' he's sent on seam equally as strange to Kanade.

The art in this anime is very well done and the designs are really cute which match the style of the anime.

There does appear to be character development and relevant conflicts/ resolutions.  However, this anime appears to be addressing these story elements with a holistic approach instead of a moment by moment way.

NouCome is cute and fun to watch but again, it tends to be higher on the pervy side.  If you don't mind seeing anime undies from time to time, it is fun to watch.  I'll give NouCome a 3 out of 5 for now with hopes that the story and characters continue to develop.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Walkure Romanze

Walkure Romanze is a very pretty anime that is surprisingly pervy. The story is easy to follow but has thus far done a good job of character development and relevant conflict resolution.  

The animation is clean and the designs are fun if sometimes a little exotic.  Artistically speaking, I think the colouring really stands out in this anime.   The colourists do a good a really good job of capturing the light through the tree canopy, the colors at sunset and the pink reflection from the cherry blossom trees.

However, as I said, this is a very pervy anime so you have to be prepared to see a lot of girl underwear and cheesy, sexually implied jokes.  

Overall I think Walkure Romanze is starting to paint a good little story and I give it a 3 out of 5 at this time.


Akira is one of Japan's most well known and loved anime.  Originally released in 1988, Akira still holds it's own in its design, illustration, music compositions and rich story line.

All of the characters go through significant development as the story progresses.  The story is also developed enough to carry significant symbolism that are common amongst great literary works but not as common in anime.

The conflicts in Akira are large and affect the characters personally as well as their world.  Every aspect of the story is relevant and well thought out.  It allows the viewers to enter Akira's world with ease but also allows for them to think of the presented ideas in the context of their own life.

It's easy to see why Akira is considered a hallmark of Japanese Anime.  I give Akira 5 stars out of 5.

Outbreak Company

Outbreak Company - is a fun anime about encounters with a new fantasifull people in another dimension.  As part of a cultural exchange and understanding program the Japanese government sends out a young 'otaku' to spread the 'moe' culture.

Even though Outbreak Company is a new release and there are only three episodes out at the moment,  you can see clear signs of character development and relevant conflicts.  Can Shinichi, the lonely otaku, come up with a plan to help some of the apparent ethnic discrimination and social problems while bringing the 'moe' culture to this new world?  Will he and his friends be able to survive the resistance forces when they start to push back?  We will have to watch to see.

Watching Outbreak is really fun though.  The illustrators and concept artists must have had a lot of fun with this one as they really tackle a lot of the stereotypical designs of moe culture while creating an entirely new world to fit the different races.

Overall, I think all story aspects are well in hand and I give Outbreak Company a 4 out of 5 at this time.

Shining Hearts -Shiawase No Pan

Shining Hearts - Shiawase No Pan is a fun anime that mixes up the science fiction and fantasy genres.  What makes it more fun is that all of the characters find themselves in a strange land with no memory from whence they came from.  As they struggle to make a new life for themselves they find new friends and meaning.

This anime feels like a small window into a big story.  Although the main story does wrap itself up neatly it obviously needs more seasons to complete it.  The character development is very shallow, largely because the character themselves don't remember who they were.

The artwork is lovely and the designs are very well done, which is to be expected from the game development process.  The colouring and animation is also very well done.  As a side note, I'll also mention that Shining Hearts has a very cute soundtrack.  Their composers did a great job.

The main conflict in the story is really hard to put in context for both the characters and the viewers because no one knows the back story.  Our only clue is the allusion to the idea that there are more episodes to come which will explain everything.

Shining hearts -Shiawase No Pan is very cute but with such limited character and plot development I give it a 2.5 out of 5.

Sukitte Iinayo - Say... I Love You

Sukitte Iinayo - Say... I Love You is a very cute romance anime about a very unlikely couple.  All of the characters in the story all develop and transform through their interactions with each other.  The conflicts of the story tend to be both individualized and relationship based.  Throughout the story all of the characters grow through these interactions with each other.  In this way the anime captures a precious aspect of high school life.

The artwork is very beautiful and captures many precious moments and memories of Japanese life during the summer months.

Sukitte Iinayo is a beautiful and charming story that I will give 4.5 out of 5.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mai Otome

Mai Otome originally premiered in 2005 and it features a group of girls and women that with the help of nano machines become superior fighters that keep the peace in their world.

The three central characters do go through a fair amount of development, however, the details of that development are glazed over.

The artwork and animation is clean and complete but some of the design and colour choices feel older in style to me.

The conflicts are both relevant to the story and to young viewers as the story touches on school bullying amongst other things.

Overall, the story at this time feels incomplete to me.  I've read that it was purposely left open ended to allow for more story development.  Although I did enjoy watching Mai Otome, until the story is more complete I give it a 2.5 out of 5.

Cautions: There are a few concepts in this story that could be unsettling for Western viewers, such as the two young teenager girls falling in love with a middle aged man.  Please use discretion before watching this anime.

Log Horizon

Log Horizon is another anime about being trapped inside a computer game.  However, there are some distinct differences between Log Horizon and other virtual world games so viewers will not feel like they've seen this all before.

This is a new series so I can't comment on how well rounded the story is, the character development or the conflicts within the story.  However,  from what I have seen, all of these areas appear to be well in hand and no story telling element is left to chance.

The artwork, design and coloring are all first rate as well.  All of the designs and colours fit well within it's apparent genre and the animation is well done as well.

Overall, Log Horizon is turning out to be an anime worth watching.  I give it a 4 out of 5 at this time and look forward to seeing the future episodes.

Rozen Maiden

Rozen Maiden has just completed season it's third season.  It's an interesting anime because it's main characters are supposed to be these antique, hand crafted, artisan dolls that were made by a German mastercraftsman.   Each doll strives to become the 'perfect girl' called 'Alice' while simultaneously helping their respective masters.  Each season has different amounts of character development, but rest assured it is never lacking.  Also, each season is it's own complete mini story where the dolls and their masters find some form of resolution.

The Art of Rozen Maiden is fun as it mixes classic European and modern design elements while living in a Japanese world.  Also, the environment design can on a largely imaginative designs when the dolls enter their own world.

While the dolls are very cute and pretty, the author tends to play up the erie aspect of living dolls; so this anime never becomes sickly sweet.

The conflicts that the dolls and their masters face vary from season to season, but the conflict always affects the characters in a deeply personal way.  For this reason, I believe that the conflicts in Rozen Maiden have more significance than conflicts in other stories.

I don't think everyone will find this anime to their tastes, but it is well made and those who do like it will like it a lot.  I give Rozen Maiden a 3.5 out of 5.