

I love anime!  I started watching anime to help me learn about Japan and it's culture but also because I am an artist.  I was hoping to learn from the teams of professional illustrators, colour artists and story makers (just to name a few.)

Overtime, I've accumulated a lot of Anime knowledge.  I'm sure I'm still not a supreme 'Otaku' but it did dawn on me that I probably know a fair amount about anime at this time.  That's when it dawned on me that maybe I could share some of what I've learned to help others experience some of the wonderful Japanese stories.  

I find that Japanese storytelling is really fun compared to many that I find available in the Western markets.  Firstly, although it's an animation, many of the anime stories are not made for children.  In fact, I would recommend that children not be present at all while watching some anime.  A number of the stories have sophisticated plot lines that really capture your imagination, which is extremely refreshing for me.  I don't know about you, but I've become really bored with stories that I can see the beginning, middle and end from the trailer alone.  I like wondering what will happen and truly being surprised from time to time.  
      Also, Japanese storytelling is really good at describing relationships between people.  All forms of relationships.  I enjoy this also because again, I feel like our stories often end or imply 'happily ever after' and never develop much beyond that.  Don't misunderstand me, I'm definitely a 'happily ever after' kind of gal but at the same time I don't want stories to taste like unseasoned oatmeal.  

     What does a an animated story of culinary prowess look like to me?  Well, it needs to have the following:  An interesting yet complete story, great illustration and design,  character development with interesting characters that are both unique and have something that the audience can relate to and conflict that is both interesting and relatable.  When I say relatable, I don't mean that it has to be realistic in any way... but if the conflict doesn't affect the character(s) in anyway or they don't grow or change because of those conflicts, then the conflict and story loses a lot of impact.  It feels like useless information to me.  It doesn't offer the character in the story or myself as the viewer any insight and it's the insight that makes these conflicts relatable.

I give each story a rating out of 5 based on those ideas.
I've also started a new 'Spicy' category because some of the anime can be a little surprising with the undies flashing etc.  So, if you want to avoid that stuff, you'll want to stick to the 0 spicy ratings. ;)

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